fat hyacinth buds on New Year's Eve 2013

It's raining and cloudy and miserable but I wanted to photograph my bulb vases so I moved the table near the window, tied up the curtain not to block what little light there was and took a few photos. These were my fattest buds. They look ready to burst and that they will have fab blooms but I will wait and see because things often don't turn out as you expect. The small stems in the SylvaC pot are bulblets I planted. They will take a few years to develop. I've never managed to get any to maturity but those look promising so I'm hopeful.

fat hyacinth buds on New Year's Eve 2013

a close-up of one of those fat buds above


hyacinth bulb bowl on new year's eve

The photo above and the one below illustrates possible problems with bulb bowls: the bulbs develop at different rates (the one on the left at the back above hasn't bloomed yet) and the bulb at the right front below doesn't match (the garden centre didn't put the correct variety in the correct bin OR the supplier didn't OR a customer returned it to the wrong bin).

hyacinth bulb bowl on new year's eve

My 3 cobalt blue Tye hyacinth vases with Blue Star hyacinth bulbs.

Tye hyacinth vases