Bulb Forcing Leaflets

Forcing Flower Bulbs Pure Pleaseure

Growing Indoor Bulbs Successfully with Mr Bulb page 1

Growing Indoor Bulbs Successfully with Mr Bulb page 2


Hyacinths for Christmas page 1

Hyacinths for Christmas page 2

Hyacinths The all purpose flower

Hyacinths The all purpose flower

This was a small poster hung on a basket of loose hyacinth bulbs.

Growing Hyacinths in Bowls and Glasses

How to Grow the Hyacinth for Bowls side 1

How to Grow the Hyacinth for Bowls side 2

Not a leaflet but a good summary of instructions for forcing crocus in vases.

bulb forcing instructions

The next leaflet is about growing bulbs outdoors rather than indoors but I love doing that as well.

Plant Spring Now page 1


Plant Spring Now page 2