Welcome to my blog about bulb forcing

bulb bowls hyacinth cat

The bulb forcing year starts in August/September buying bulbs. Then the bulbs quietly grow roots in the dark until the beginning of December when they are brought into the light and warmth and can begin blooming from Christmas day onwards when it is magic to have flowers and scent indoors in the middle of winter.

I used to force about 200 hyacinth bulbs each year but it's too many for me to manage so it's more like 100 now. I'm always trying to formulate the best ways to force hyacinths and this is the documentation of my results. I also have a site devoted to hyacinth vases (www.hyacinthvases.org.uk).                       (please note that all text and images are copyright)

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January 2025


an amaryllis that bloomed last June outside and developed a new flower stem after I brought it inside


amaryllis bulb close-up

amaryllis bud

a huge vase I thought would be suitable for a hyacinth bulb, not sure it was made as a hyacinth vase but works as one, unfortunately the bulb is not good

forced hyacinth vase

close-up of the buds

hyacinth bulb forced

some of the final hyacinths for this year

forced hyacinths vase

the Snow Crystal bulbs on the left have no roots and are not going to bloom this year

forced hyacinths vases

forced hyacinths vase

forced hyacinths vases

some failures from this year's bulbs, the two on the right had horrible slimy roots when I went to wash out the vases after removing the bulbs

forced hyacinths vases


double-stemmed hyacinth, only the small stem on the right is blooming properly

forced hyacinth vases

forced hyacinth vases


forced hyacinths hyacinth vases bulb bowls

forced hyacinths in hyacinth vases

forced hyacinths hyacinth vase

hyacinth vases forced hyacinths


forced hyacinth vase

forced hyacinths vase


forced hyacinth bulbs in bulb bowl

forced hyacinth buds


forced hyacinths vases

forced hyacinths hyacinth vase

forced hyacinths hyacinth vase bowls

forced hyacinths vases


forced hyacinths hyacinth vase


forced Jan Bos hyacinth

forced hyacinth buds

forced hyacinth buds

miss saigon hyacinths forced bulb bowl


forced hyacinths hyacinth vases

hyacinth bulb bowl

byzanta ware hyacinth vases

forced hyacinth in hyacinth vase


forced hyacinths in hyacinth vases

forced hyacinths in hyacinth vases

wedgwood hedgehog crocus

Snow Crystal hyacinth bulblets

snow crystal bulblets

turning the hyacinth upside down, this is the view of the bulblets, for them to grow they need some of the basal plate of the bulb still attached so I carefully removed them

snow crystal bulblets

3 I managed to retain some of the roots on the basal plate but one bulblet just fell off without any roots

snow crystal bulblets removed

I planted the bulblets in pots of compost

snow crystal bulblets planted

16-1-2025  Wedgwood hedgehog with crocus bulbs just blooming

Wedgwood hedgehog with crocus

comparison of Tye-shape hyacinth vases, middle cobalt blue with very thin rim is a GP Tye hyacinth vase

tye-shape hyacinth vases

Snow Crystal hyacinths

forced hyacinths

snow crystal forced hyacinth

snow crystal hyacinth buds

Apricot Passion

forced Apricot Passion hyacinth

Apricot Passion buds

forced apricot passion hyacinth buds

Delft Blue hyacinth

forced Delft Blue hyacinth



Snow Crystal hyacinth buds

snow crystal hyacinth buds

Delft Blue hyacinth

delft blue hyacinths

Purple Sensation hyacinth buds

Purple Sensation hyacinth buds

purple sensation hyacinth buds

Jan Bos hyacinth

Jan Bos hyacinth

these amaryllis flowers were wilted and I was going to move the bulb when on closer examination I saw a bud emerging between leaves


close-up of that bud

amaryllis bud

fat hyacinth buds, mostly Apricot Passion

fat hyacinth buds

10-1-2025 this one seems to be getting better and better, the colour of the buds is exquisite

forced delft blue hyacinth

forced hyacinth buds

the Purple Sensation hyacinths are variable, these two do not look good

forced purple sensation hyacinths

these two Purple Sensation hyacinths look ok aside from that leaf at the front

forced purple sensation

I was going to dispose of this wilting hyacinth when I noticed the fresh florets and on further investigation saw it was an additional flower spike

forced double-stemmed delft blue hyacinth

I cut off the wilted stem and am enjoying the fresh flower stem

forced double-stemmed delft blue hyacinth

this amaryllis was outside (had bloomed in June) but I brought it inside in case it decided to bloom again and it sprouted a new bud

amaryllis in bud


Delft Blue hyacinths

forced delft blue hyacinths in hyacinth vases

forced delft blue hyacinth

forced delft blue hyacinths in hyacinth vases

Woodstock double-stemmed hyacinth

forced woodstock hyacinth in hyacinth vase

forced woodstock hyacinth in hyacinth vase

Snow Crystal hyacinths

forced snow crystal hyacinth in hyacinth vase

forced snow crystal hyacinth in hyacinth vase

I use these red storage boxes to carry the hyacinth vases to and from the garage, of course, Scarecrow had to get in one, as cats do


a double-stemmed hyacinth

double-stemmed hyacinth

I cut off the wilting flower stem

delft blue hyacinth

some promising Snow Crystal buds

snow crystal hyacinths

Purple Sensation hyacinths, flowering but brown bits on the leaves and flowers

purple sensation hyacinths

It's time to review the remaining hyacinths. Although some of these weren't that developed I decided they could come out of the dark into the light.

These were still in the dark with no significant stems appearing.

I turned the bulbs over to see what was happening with them. Only 1 had any roots and even those were not significant.

more hyacinths not growing

the bases of those bulbs

although that bulb on the right has some roots, it's rotten in part

more bulbs not growing

the bases of 2 of the bulbs showing they're rotten

Christmas 2024 / New Year 2025

Delft Blue hyacinths

forced Delft Blue hyacinths for Christmas in hyacinth vases

some that did not bloom properly

forced delft blue hyacinths for christmas in hyacinth vases

Delft Blue (I am assuming, came in a multi-pack of un-named varieties from Sainsbury's)

forced hyacinth vase Christmas

unfortunately I did not note the variety of this pink hyacinth (I have a spreadsheet of my forcing details but sometimes I miss noting everything - I try to do better each year!)

forced hyacinth for Christmas hyacinth vase

an amaryllis I had outside which I brought inside to see if it might spring to life and it has, I see a stem with a fat bud emerging


I cut the spent flowers off this amaryllis and then noticed this new bud emerging

amaryllis bud sprouting

established amaryllis in comparison with the one recently brought inside

amaryllis for Christmas

hyacinth bulb bowl out of the dark, shows how variable forcing hyacinths are: 2 bulbs have fat buds, 2 bulbs with small shoots, 1 rotten bulb without roots or stem (see next photo)

hyacinth bulb bowl

hyacinth from centre of the bulb bowl above

rotten hyacinth bulb

amaryllis in comparison with the smaller bulbs: hyacinths and crocus

amaryllis forced hyacinth vases

Jan Bos hyacinths

jan bos forced hyacinths vase Christmas

Woodstock hyacinths

forced woodstock hyacinths Christmas vase

I usually use 1 white variety of hyacinth and this year I tried Snow Crystal for the first time (I think it's new).  They are wildly variable. 5 of the 10 bulbs have no roots at all, 5 have roots varying from "some" to "reasonable" to "lots and lots" (according to my notes). One is in bloom. One has more well-developed bulblets than I've ever seen on one bulb.

These two photos are all 10 of my Snow Crystal hyacinths.

forced hyacinths Christmas hyacinth vase

Tye uranium vases with Snow Crystal hyacinth bulbs

snow crystal hyacinths in Tye uranium hyacinth vases

the bulges under the bulb's paper covering which prompted me to remove the papery covering.

bulblets under papery bulb cover snow crystal

when I removed the papery covering I saw 4 bulblets, 2 of which are multi-stemmed

snow crystal hyacinth bulb with bulblets

amaryllis in bloom

the amaryllis are in bloom with huge flowers





next 16 vases out of the dark


hyacinth vase

hyacinth vases

hyacinth vase

the hyacinth vases out of the dark previously

hyacinth vases

hyacinth vases

crocus and more hyacinths out of the dark


I always have a cat supervising. This time Scarecrow.

hyacinth vases

next 20 vases out of the dark

hyacinth vases

amaryllis growing tall with multiple buds

amaryllis in vases

24-11-2024 Next 5 vases out of the dark, note how yellow they are in contrast to the 2nd photo of the vases that have been out a week and have greened up; all so far are Scarlet Pearl and Jan Bos hyacinth varieties. Jan Bos is an early one I know but I have not grown Scarlet Pearl before but so far, it's early.

hyacinth vases with hyacinth bulbs

hyacinth vases with hyacinth bulbs Christmas forcing

I brought the crocus out of the dark (19-11-2024), both vases and the Wedgwood hedgehog. The stems are quite fat so I assume buds are out of the bulb. I've had hit and miss results with crocus. I'll just have to see how they do. I'll top up the water in the vases. I find crocus bulbs need to touch the water unlike hyacinth bulbs which must not touch the water.

wedgwood hedgehog crocus bulbs vases

I put some muscari in those small jars with pebbles a few weeks ago. I put them outside this week, not realising we'd have such cold freezing weather. One broke.

muscari bulbs forcing

first hyacinths out of the dark

First hyacinths out of the dark. The bulge of the flower needs to be out of the bulb. I think these look well on the way. Initially the stems are quite yellow as they've been in the dark but after a few days in the light they will green up. They all seem to have lots of roots.

hyacinths in hyacinth vases

the amaryllis in the clear vase after I sorted the roots 

amaryllis in amaryllis vase

the bulb with the initial roots, some of which start to rot in the water

amaryllis in amaryllis vase

amaryllis bulb with some rotting roots

rotted roots removed and fresh new ones can be seen)

amaryllis roots

continuing bulb forcing - crocus and muscari end of Sept

I started the crocus forcing, putting a crocus bulb in each vase, filling them with water, but unlike the hyacinth bulbs which must not sit in water, the crocus doesn't seem to start growing roots unless the water touches the bulb. As with the hyacinth vases, into the dark to be checked in a few weeks.

crocus vases bulbs

I find the muscari will not grow in a vase with water, unlike the hyacinth and crocus. They need to be on something like pebbles or compost. I've been collecting these little jars which I thought would be nice with some small bulbs. I put some pebbles in each and 1, 2 or 3 bulbs in each depending on how many fit, filled with water and into the dark. I can't remember if they like to be in water like crocus or out of water like hyacinths. I think they are touching the water. I'll check them in a few weeks.

muscari forcing

I have a Wedgwood hedgehog I put crocus bulbs in.

crocus forcing

most of the crocus bulbs have shoots

crocus bulbs wedgwood hedgehog

if they have a second shoot at the bottom or on the side I break it off as all the energy should go into the top shoot

crocus bulb

I put a crocus bulb at each hole and filled the hedgehog with bulb fibre.

crocus in Wedgwood hedgehog

watered it and put it into the garage in the dark, I'll check it in a few weeks

start of the forcing year 2024


The first step in forcing hyacinths is buying bulbs. I got my bulb delivery from Peter Nyssen a couple days ago (ordered them in August) but there are bulbs in the garden centre if you didn't order mail order. This is the first time I'm forcing hyacinth bulbs in my new place so it's rather stressful. I no longer have my cellar but I do have a cabinet in my garage although not exactly sure how all the vases will fit in that. I updated my spreadsheet and printed it to note which hyacinth variety I am putting in each vase. I also had to clear off my patio table to work on.

forcing hyacinth bulbs

I mostly buy mail order but I have some very small vases that need smaller bulbs, those 3 on the right (white and 2 clear), for example. I have found Sainsbury's bulbs are quite small and will do a count of how many I need and buy some. Since moving I'm not so close to a Sainsbury's so will need to make a special trip (I used to go all the time but it was only 5 mins away).

I started with Apricot Passion hyacinth bulbs (4 on the left) and Scarlet Pearl on the right. I've not used thoses varieties before. I like to try different hyacinths (both prepared and unprepared) and compare results.

forcing hyacinth bulbs

Whenever I start my hyacinths, at least one cat comes and checks things out. I like to put white hyacinths in the green vases. This year I bought Snow Crystal, a new variety I've not tried before.

forcing hyacinth bulbs

Those tall green vases have very large openings, so had to use Scarlet Pearl rather than Snow Crystal.

forcing hyacinth bulbs

I filled each vase with water ensuring the bulb did not touch the water and put them in the garage. I will check them in a few weeks. When the bulge of the flower is out of the bulb and the stem is bulging, it will be time to bring them out into the light.

In addition to the Apricot Passion, Snow Crystal and Scarlet Pearl hyacinths, I have prepared Delft Blue ("the" forcing variety), prepared Jan Bos and prepared Woodstock.


17-9-2024 continuing the forcing, I brought out all the tall hand-blown hyacinth vases - my favourite, I usually use Delft Blue hyacinths in those

hyacinth vases cobalt blue 19th century

pair of black Prattware vases at the back, they have larger openings so I need to check all the bulbs and see which are largest

hyacinth vases

I have 3 glassroots (designed by Margaret Howell) hyacinth vases, on the left, the purple one is not marked on the base as the others are but so so similar, I have no doubt they are the same producer

margaret howell glassroots hyacinth vases

Byzanta Ware hyacinth vases, recently found the orange one on ebay, curious to know how many different designs / colours were produced but never found any information about them

byzanta ware hyacinth vases

terracotta hyacinth vases, Prattware winged griffin on the left

terracotta hyacinth vases

3 Broste Copenhagen jack-in-the-pulpit hyacinth vases

jack-in-the-pulpit hyacinth vases Broste Copenhagen

I love cobalt blue glass, both antique and more modern such as the front left and right

cobalt blue hyacinth vases

late start to the forcing year 2023

mid-December 2023

I was not able to start my hyacinths as usual this year but finally settled in my new place and opened my hyacinth bulbs and put 20 Delft Blue hyacinth bulbs in hyacinth vases. It's extremely late to do this but thought I'd give it a try.

hyacinth vases with hyacinth bulbs

hyacinth bulbs in hyacinth vases

hyacinth vases with hyacinth bulbs

17-1-2024 the hyacinths did well, considering how late they were started

hyacinth vases.hyacinth vases

hyacinth vases


Dec 2023 The remaining 80 bulbs I was not able to force, I planted out, also quite late for bulb planting but it hasn't been as cold as it might be so maybe they will establish .

trough planted with bulbs

In March 2024 they were in bloom







Start of the Forcing Year 2023

It's July and time to start thinking about forcing hyacinths for Christmas. I know it's early but it takes some planning.

glassroots hyacinth vase

one of my new vases I'm using this year for the first time

I ordered my bulbs yesterday. Looking back at my results from last year, I used 13 varieties. I'm keeping it simpler this year but buying more of a variety to get a proper range of results. I ordered:

Delft Blue, "the" hyacinth for forcing, generally reliable and good results

Blue Star, last year I had good results so buying more of these

Miss Saigon, I usually use these and get good results

City of Bradford, hasn't been available the last couple of years but seem to be now so ordered some, I really like them

Carnegie, haven't used these for years, not sure why but after indifferent results with Aiolos last year, I thought I'd go back to this for my white variety, I usually use one white hyacinth

Woodstock, didn't use this last year, can't remember why but trying it again, usually small as I recall but often great colour

cobalt blue hyacinth vase

another new vase I'm using this year for the first time

The bulbs won't be delivered until August / September so I have plenty of time to get my vases organised.


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