first hyacinths out of the dark Dec 2021

Beginning of December, first hyacinths are ready to come out of the dark. I think they need to be out for 3 weeks before they bloom so that gives a good chance for blooms on Christmas Day.

forced hyacinth bulbs in vases for Christmas

when the bulge of the flower has grown out of the bulb, they are ready to come out of the dark

forced hyacinth out of dark for Christmas

a common failure of forced hyacinths is taking them out of the dark too early, but as long as that bulge is in the stem, they are ready to come into the light, these are ready

forced hyacinth out of the dark for Christmas

forced hyacinth ready to come out of the dark for Christmas

definitely ready to come out of the dark into the light

forced hyacinths ready to come out of the dark for Christmas blooming

these are more than ready - not only is the bulge of the flower grown out of the bulb but one is starting to open, I'm probably a bit late taking this bulb bowl out of the dark (Davidson uranium glass bulb bowl)

Davidson hyacinth bulb bowl with forced bulbs for Christmas blooming

The hyacinth bulb bowls in the cellar, notice what different stages of development the hyacinths are - some are ready to come into the light, some not at all. The downside of using bulb bowls. 

hyacinth bulb bowls

A few days later, I brought up one of the bulb bowls as some of the hyacinths are so ready even if all of the bulbs in a bowl are not at the same stage. Rocky cannot resist playing with the hyacinth bulbs.

hyacinth bulb bowl

hyacinth bulb bowl

hyacinth bulb bowl

hyacinth bulb bowl