Submitted by ju1i3 on 26 January, 2021 - 12:31
update a few days later, looking even better and fuller

a few days before the photos above, City of Bradford, a bit variable, but when they flower well, wonderful blooms with fabulous scent rivalling Delft Blue. City of Bradford on the right, 1 Delft Blue on the left.

Blue Jacket hyacinths

these were the hyacinths a couple weeks ago

last hyacinths out of the cellar, not sure they're all going to bloom but it's so late now, I decided it's time to bring them out

Submitted by ju1i3 on 8 January, 2021 - 17:17
I'm so lucky to have some exquisite hyacinths on my mantelpiece

Submitted by ju1i3 on 7 January, 2021 - 11:53
first crocus in bloom, the vase is tiny but room enough for the crocus' roots

hyacinths yesterday - they seem to be at their peak - glorious fat flowers and an exquisite scent - just what one expects from Delft Blue hyacinths

Sadly this hyacinth is completely bent over, as some do every year, but I have no idea how to correct it or if it is preventable

This year has been more challenging than usual with a new kitten, Rocky. Not easily having as many vases on display.

Submitted by ju1i3 on 4 January, 2021 - 07:43
dark January day with Delft Blue hyacinths in bloom with their intoxicating scent filling my living room

Submitted by ju1i3 on 28 December, 2020 - 16:06
hyacinths in bloom and bud, few days after Christmas

Submitted by ju1i3 on 27 December, 2020 - 08:16
the La Paz amaryllis

The Woodstock hyacinths did not do very well this year. They hardly grew out of the leaves. They do bloom early and they are a nice colour but I'm not sure they're worth it if there are not any reasonable flowers produced.

Submitted by ju1i3 on 23 December, 2020 - 11:38
blooming hyacinths a few days before Christmas

Submitted by ju1i3 on 17 December, 2020 - 05:05
The weather has been so warm this year, the hyacinths are very early. I usually worry if I'll have any hyacinths in bloom for Christmas because they haven't started blooming, instead this year I worry if they've bloomed too early.

the sky-high amaryllis on the right on the windowsill, some bulb bowls in bloom, the Wedgwood hedgehog with some fat crocus which will be in bloom soon

closer view of the Wedgwood hedgehog with fat crocus shoots

Submitted by ju1i3 on 7 December, 2020 - 07:26
my new kitten Rocky with some hyacinth vases

better view of the vases and bulb bowls

Davidson hyacinth bulb bowl and hyacinth vases, some improvised

latest hyacinths out of the cellar and a pot with some hyacinths in vases that turned out to be too small for the roots surrounded by crocus which i took out of vases to fill up the pot

it's usually my cat Victor who sits on the spreadsheet when I am trying to update it but this time, Rocky has decided to sit on the spreadsheet

the hyacinth stems are quite yellow when they first come out of the cellar but they green up after a few days in the daylight

the next two hyacinths are quite advanced, I usually bring them out of the dark before they get to this point but I found a box of hyacinths behind another box that I hadn't noticed so a few of them should have come out sooner

Submitted by ju1i3 on 1 December, 2020 - 06:56
The amaryllis are growing like mad. I bought 4 bulbs but found that 2 of my vases I was planning to grow them in were not large enough so had to use pots. I only started the two in pots later so they are not tall and blooming like the the ones in vases which I started first.

the amaryllis have gotten so tall, difficult to take a photo
