my new kitten Rocky with some hyacinth vases
better view of the vases and bulb bowls
Davidson hyacinth bulb bowl and hyacinth vases, some improvised
latest hyacinths out of the cellar and a pot with some hyacinths in vases that turned out to be too small for the roots surrounded by crocus which i took out of vases to fill up the pot
it's usually my cat Victor who sits on the spreadsheet when I am trying to update it but this time, Rocky has decided to sit on the spreadsheet
the hyacinth stems are quite yellow when they first come out of the cellar but they green up after a few days in the daylight
the next two hyacinths are quite advanced, I usually bring them out of the dark before they get to this point but I found a box of hyacinths behind another box that I hadn't noticed so a few of them should have come out sooner