I was away for a week in October and didn't have time to finish all my bulbs - quite unlike me as I usually do them immediately in September to increase my chances of Christmas flowers but this year is a bit later. Going to Korea for my son's wedding took priority. I have 10 hyacinth bulbs left.
a quick look in the boxes in the cellar and I have 9 vases left to use
I forgot that pickle jar, that will take that last bulb
I do have at least 1 more vase but no more bulbs. If I have time I'll pop down to the garden centre and see if they have any more bulbs. I know Sainsburys is out of stock.
Of course, when I was in Korea I wanted to see if they sold hyacinth bulbs. Some spent dried bulbs in a basket outside this flower shop/cafe was the closest I could find. At one point they had hyacinth bulbs in Seoul - intrigued to find out more.
close-up of one of those baskets at the front